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Linia I Zakłady

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Ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że waluty konta nie można zmienić później, co wpłynie na dostępne metody płatności, dlatego zaleca się staranne wybranie głównej waluty podczas rejestracji. Odkryj szeroką gamę dyscyplin sportowych, postaw zakład we śledź wyniki em żywo. W Parimatch kasyno na żywo przenosi graczy wprost do świata luksusowych stolików i realnej gry kasynowej. Jest to idealne rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy cenią sobie atmosferę kasyna, ale preferują komfort swojego domu. Bukmacher posiada aplikacje mobilne na platformy iOS i Android os, a na stronie dostępne są dwie wersje – nowa i klasyczna, która pozostaje faworytem wśród doświadczonych graczy. Parimatch PL jest aktywnie obecny na polskim rynku zakładów sportowych, an ich reklama jest uważana za prawdziwy majstersztyk watts swoim gatunku.

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  • Upto 4 name options can be given in 1 RUN name approval request.
  • Authorised capital is the amount of shares a company can issue at anytime and can be increased further in the future. Paid-up capital is the amount invested by shareholder and can be even Rs.2.
  • Additional Directors can be added for an additional price of Rs.1199 - if DSC & DIN is available. In case no DIN or DSC is available, cost for adding additional Director will be Rs.2,199 inclusive of GST.
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  • Digital signatures from eMudhra with 2 year validity along with ePass 2003 token
  • Statutory Auditor fee is payable on actuals directly to the Independent Auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. IGLI FINANCIAL will only be responsible for accounting, preparation of financial statements and filing of returns on behalf of the Company.
  • In case of incorporation in Madhya Pradesh, an additional stamp duty of Rs.7500 will be applicable. In case of incorporation in Punjab, an additional stamp duty of Rs.10, 000 will be applicable. In case of Kerala, an additional stamp duty of Rs.3000 will be applicable.
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  • 2 Digital signatures from eMudhra with 2 year validity along with ePass 2003 token.Second List Item
  • Upto 4 name options can be given in 1 RUN name approval request.Third List Item
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  • Government Fee & Stamp Duty* ( Limited Including )
  • 2 Digital signatures from eMudhra with 2 year validity along with ePass 2003 token.Second List Item
  • Upto 4 name options can be given in 1 RUN name approval request.Third List Item
  • Additional Partners can be added for an additional price of Rs.1199 - if DSC & DIN is available. In case no DIN or DSC is available, cost for adding additional Partner will be Rs.2,199 inclusive of GST.
  • IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any delay in making of the requisite filings and the client is solely responsible for the delay and any penalty that may be levied on account of such delay. The client should be aware of the due dates and compliances inter-alia under various laws, acts, regulations and rules and we are solely responsible for compliances under all applicable laws and shall be responsible for payment of any penalty or losses that arise on account of non-compliance of any applicable laws, rules, regulations and acts.
  • The above pricing is applicable for businesses with turnover upto 30 lakhs . In case of larger business, extra charges would be applicable.
  • All data provided by the Client will remain confidential with IGLI FINANCIAL unless pursuant to any order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body.
  • The client will be responsible for verifying the information contained in such returns and/or filings prior to approving/signing such return/filing.IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any liability that may arise on account of the information being false and/or incomplete.
  • IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any delay in making of the requisite filings and the client is solely responsible for the delay and any penalty that may be levied on account of such delay. The client should be aware of the due dates and compliances inter-alia under various laws, acts, regulations and rules and we are solely responsible for compliances under all applicable laws and shall be responsible for payment of any penalty or losses that arise on account of non-compliance of any applicable laws, rules, regulations and acts.
  • The above pricing is applicable for businesses with turnover upto 30 lakhs . In case of larger business, extra charges would be applicable.
  • All data provided by the Client will remain confidential with IGLI FINANCIAL unless pursuant to any order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body.
  • The client will be responsible for verifying the information contained in such returns and/or filings prior to approving/signing such return/filing.IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any liability that may arise on account of the information being false and/or incomplete.
  • Strict confidentiality requirements will be met with no disclosure by us to other parties without your consent, unless otherwise required by law or professional obligation. You may provide us with permission to disclose your confidential information in certain circumstances, or place conditions on the disclosure of certain confidential information. If you do so, we will have permission to disclose the relevant information accordingly, in the performance of our services, unless you instruct us otherwise in writing.
  • The client will be responsible for verifying the information contained in such returns and/or filings prior to approving/signing such return/filing. IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any liability that may arise on account of the information being false and/or incomplete. IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any delay in making of the requisite filings and the client is solely responsible for the delay and any penalty that may be levied on account of such delay. The client should be aware of the due dates and compliances inter-alia under various laws, acts, regulations and rules.
  • The client will be responsible for paying all types of government fee, penalty, statutory audit fees and taxes associated with the engagement. IGLI FINANCIAL Accountants are only responsible for preparation of accounting and statutory returns. The Client is responsible for the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, particulars and information provided and disclosure of all material and relevant information. Clients are required to arrange for reasonable access by us to relevant individuals and documents, and shall be responsible for both the completeness and accuracy of the information supplied to us. Any advice given to the Client is only an opinion based on our knowledge of the Client's particular circumstances
  • Strict confidentiality requirements will be met with no disclosure by us to other parties without your consent, unless otherwise required by law or professional obligation. You may provide us with permission to disclose your confidential information in certain circumstances, or place conditions on the disclosure of certain confidential information. If you do so, we will have permission to disclose the relevant information accordingly, in the performance of our services, unless you instruct us otherwise in writing.
  • The client will be responsible for verifying the information contained in such returns and/or filings prior to approving/signing such return/filing. IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any liability that may arise on account of the information being false and/or incomplete. IGLI FINANCIAL shall not be responsible for any delay in making of the requisite filings and the client is solely responsible for the delay and any penalty that may be levied on account of such delay. The client should be aware of the due dates and compliances inter-alia under various laws, acts, regulations and rules.
  • The client will be responsible for paying all types of government fee, penalty, statutory audit fees and taxes associated with the engagement. IGLI FINANCIAL Accountants are only responsible for preparation of accounting and statutory returns. The Client is responsible for the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, particulars and information provided and disclosure of all material and relevant information. Clients are required to arrange for reasonable access by us to relevant individuals and documents, and shall be responsible for both the completeness and accuracy of the information supplied to us. Any advice given to the Client is only an opinion based on our knowledge of the Client's particular circumstances


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